Our Vision
I want to personally welcome you to Carmela’s at The Loft. I
had the tremendous privilege to be born into a very large and caring Italian
family who loved food and family. Every Sunday, my parents, brothers and
sisters, and I piled into the family station wagon and off we went to my
grandparents’ house. All of my relatives would spend the day together to
enjoy la Familia. The enjoyment of family, cooking, and good food gave me
many priceless childhood memories and helped to shape my values of today.
Little did I know that growing up cooking alongside my great-grandmother,
my grandmother, and my mother would one day inspire me to build a
Carmela’s at The Loft is extremely personal to me. First of all, it is a tribute
to my great-grandmother (bisnonna), Carmela, my grandmother (nonna),
Anne, and my mother (madra), Margaret, and to my Italian heritage. It is
also a tribute to my father (padre), Ralph whose patience in loving, guiding,
and raising six children was nothing short of amazing. My father was gifted
with his hands and was constantly repairing or renovating some portion of
our home. He inspired my love for building and creating. Secondly, it’s
about showcasing a passion for cooking, and spending time together for the
love of really great food. Thirdly, it’s about offering a very unique gathering
place for friends and families to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine and to
experience the utmost in customer service. Carmela’s at The Loft has been
a lifelong journey for me that has now come to be.
~Ralph Palmisano